Integrity Beef
Participation in the Integrity Beef Alliance is approved by the member-run board of directors. Following the board’s acceptance into the program, participants are oriented to Integrity Beef’s herd health and bull requirement protocols and asked to agree, in writing, to the required elements and criteria.
Cow herd and bulls must meet Integrity Beef Alliance standards.
Bull Protocols: Registered Angus, Beefmaster, Brangus, Charolais, Gelbvieh, Hereford and Red Angus bulls having EPDs in top 20 percent of their respective breed for weaning weight and yearling weight
Cow protocols: Cows must be no more than one-half Brahman influence (when using a non-Brahman influenced bull). No Longhorn, Corriente or dairy breed influence is allowed. Subsequent calf from Brahman influenced mating cannot be more than ¼ Brahman influence.
All cows and bulls must have a negative PI-BVDV status.
Ranch owner and/or ranch manager must have Beef Quality Assurance certification.
Producer must individually identify calves with Alliance-approved ear tags.
Producer must record at least first and last calf birth dates in each calving season.
The breeding season for qualified calves from the mature cow herd must be 90 days or less.
Producer must have a defined herd health program that is compliant with the Integrity Beef Alliance health program.
All calves must be preconditioned according to Alliance protocol.