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Jason Barber -- Purebred Division Manager
ààààJason Barber was raised on Barber Ranch, Channing, TX â his familyâs purebred Hereford ranch that has been owned and operated since 1905. Jason grew up raising and showing Hereford cattle nationally and holds many records on the national level. Jason graduated from Texas A&M University in 2006 with a degree in Animal Science. He was a member of the 2004 National Champion Livestock Judging team while at Texas A&M. ààààJason has been with Superior Livestock since January of 2007 and he currently manages the Purebred Division of Superior Productions. His expertise and background in the purebred industry has enhanced the number of seed stock producers who choose to do business with Superior. He also oversees Superior Progressive Genetics, the value-added program for Superior Livestock Auction. ààààJasonâs family has an annual elite Hereford female sale in March that is broadcast live out of Superiorâs studio.ààààààààJason and his wife Jaci live in Fort Worth with their two sons, Bode and Cole. He enjoys showing Hereford cattle with his family and playing golf.
ààààJason Barber was raised on Barber Ranch, Channing, TX â his familyâs purebred Hereford ranch that has been owned and operated since 1905. Jason grew up raising and showing Hereford cattle nationally and holds many records on the national level. Jason graduated from Texas A&M University in 2006 with a degree in Animal Science. He was a member of the 2004 National Champion Livestock Judging team while at Texas A&M. ààààJason has been with Superior Livestock since January of 2007 and he currently manages the Purebred Division of Superior Productions. His expertise and background in the purebred industry has enhanced the number of seed stock producers who choose to do business with Superior. He also oversees Superior Progressive Genetics, the value-added program for Superior Livestock Auction. ààààJasonâs family has an annual elite Hereford female sale in March that is broadcast live out of Superiorâs studio.ààààààààJason and his wife Jaci live in Fort Worth with their two sons, Bode and Cole. He enjoys showing Hereford cattle with his family and playing golf.