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Superior Livestock Auction Buyer Registration

Please note: this will register you for a Superior Livestock auction buyer number. If you are interested in a Superior Productions auction, you can get information about that process here

Application for Buyer Registration and Consent Form

I agree to comply with the provisions stated in Superior Livestock Auction, LLC's ("Superior") Livestock Forward Contract and the Terms and Conditions which are published on the website www.superiorlivestock.com and in the catalog published for each auction, including any subsequent revisions that may be made from time to time.

I hereby authorize Superior, acting by and through its governing authorities, to appoint a person to sign Livestock Forward Contracts on my behalf, for whatever contracts I enter into when I purchase cattle through Superior. This authorization shall continue in effect until revoked by delivering written Notice of Revocation to Superior Livestock Auction, LLC at 3320 E IH 20 Hudson Oaks, TX 76087.

I understand and agree that I will be financially responsible for all livestock I purchase, whether for myself or on behalf of another individual or entity. I agree to pay for all cattle purchases by Wire Transfer, ACH or a check(s) sent by FedEx or UPS. I understand a check(s) sent via the USPS (mail) is not an acceptable method of payment. I also understand that failure to make payment by an acceptable method and in accordance with the terms stated in the Livestock Forward Contract and the Terms and Conditions that are referenced above may result in the revocation of my buyer number and the transfer of ownership of any livestock not yet paid for and any proceeds therefrom to Superior. I hereby grant Superior a security interest in all livestock that I purchase through them, as well as all proceeds therefrom, until Superior has received final payment and I authorize Superior to authenticate and file any and all documents that are needed to perfect and give notice of Superior's interest in such livestock. If Superior has to take legal action to collect my accounts and prevails, it shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs.

I authorize Superior to verify all statements with any source, to obtain my credit history and I agree to provide any additional information Superior may require to process this application. I hereby authorize Superior to contact my bank(s) and/or lender(s) for information concerning my financial responsibility and I authorize my bank(s) and/or lender(s) to release any information necessary to determine my financial responsibility and/or ability to pay for livestock purchased through Superior. This authorization shall remain in effect until I notify Superior in writing that it has been cancelled. A copy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

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